
Week2 Post 2

The Greeks believed that to be an orator, an individual had to be morally good. Comment on whether you agree or disagree. What, if any, is the connection between goodness, truth, and public communication?

I believe an orator should be morally good, but I also believe that a person who is morally bad can be an orator too if he/she has a strong skill of ethos, pathos, and logos. Adolf Hitler, for example, became a powerful speaker. It is unfortunate, but it is not always the case that only morally good person becomes an strong orator.

I think telling the truth doesn’t always equal to goodness. However, when it comes to public communication, I believe telling the truth is a vital moral in our society.
This is because the power of truth becomes even stronger when the truth was revealed in a public space. For example, several years ago, a TV program telecasted that Natto (fermented soybeans) is good to go on a diet if we eat everyday. After the show, the sales of Natto became extraordinary high ever than before. However, several days later, it turned out that a TV program fabricated the data about Natto to get a high audience rating. From this, consumers and Natto companies got extremely upset toward the TV program and its false data, and the program directors were fired.
If the truth wasn’t revealed, thousands of people might be eating Natto everyday believing they will lose their weight someday. Thus, in public communication, not telling the truth is deceiving a public, and this is not goodness. Telling a lie in public is something that shouldn’t occur anywhere.

1 件のコメント:

DJ Q さんのコメント...

I like how you said that a person with bad morals can also be a good speaker. It must mean that he or she may have skills in persuasion. Like the Natto beans promotion you described. Then there is also people who are so bad at speaking that it just doesn't matter if what they say is a lie or not. Look at President Bush. This guy can't speak for the life of him. Look up how many speeches he has screwed up online. There is even a book filled with stuff he has said that is just plain ridiculous. But fiction can be fun, right?
And profitable.