
Week2 Post 1

I admire Steve Jobs when he made a commencement speech at Stanford University. It was a very memorable speech for me because when I listen to the speech, I was about to graduate university, and feeling very anxious about my future.
I think his power to persuade others come from ethos. He talked about his hard college life and about a serious disease he over came. This speech was created from his personal experiences, and I believe this made his speech very strong.

When I speak to others, I always keep in mind that I speak honestly and respect what others are saying. After learning Cultural Anthropology at SJSU, I realized the very basic thing that people in the world think and express themselves very differently. Also, through living in three different countries, I realized that people talk differently by their cultures, and of course, by their personalities. Thus, when I talk to others, I first respect what others are saying and respond to them with honest words. Because I don’t decorate my words with flatter, I got trust from my friends, and my words become persuasive to them.
Since it is my personality that I cannot flatter (even when it is necessary), I believe my power to persuade others come from ethos.

1 件のコメント:

TheBloggingProf さんのコメント...

You bring up a great point about other cultures and the tactics each uses. It is amazing the different things people will use (depending on culture), and what people of those cultures find persuasive or credible.

Steve Jobs is a great speaker! He speaks from experience, one of the best ways to speak. This automatically builds a persons credibility.