
Week4 post 3

Pick one concept from the assigned reading (Chapter 9) that you found useful or interesting and discuss it.

From this chapter, I learned the importance of knowing the audience when we do public communication. According to the textbook, in order to convey a message to listeners successfully, a speaker need to know the audiences’ beliefs, attitudes, values, sex, ages, and so on (page 257). When I think about it, it is always important to consider who are the listeners not only when we talk in the public sphere, but also in the private sphere. Needless to say, we change the way to speak, what to speak, and how to speak depending on who we are speaking to.

I think knowing the audiences is extremely important because public speech is not a one way (a speaker to the audience) communication, but it is the audience-speaker communication as the textbook states (page 257). I have seen speakers who speech like they don’t want any responses from audiences, but just want to talk.
One of the examples is when I attended an annual completing semester ceremony when I was an elementary school student. There were always a Mayer, PTA representatives, and people from other organizations who the students never met. We had to sit and listen quietly for those ten to fifteen people giving us the same “congratulation” speeches. I always thought if they see us bored every year for the same speech, they should change the comments to the words actually from “them.”
Ignoring the audiences never be a good idea to attain a successful speech.

1 件のコメント:

sakishot さんのコメント...

It is already hard for people to get in front of people to speak but to actually have a certain process can sometimes be more nerve racking. I used to be so scared of speaking in front of people but then I learned to organize my thoughts and relate to the audience. It does actually work!!! I frequently have to speeches or speak to groups and I have become comfortable doing it as long as I know what I need to cover and add humor to the speech because most people don't want to sit through a boring, dry presentation. A speaker needs to remember many of the people they are speaking to are there for a reason and you better make the most out of the time you have to grab people's attention.