
week 13 post 2

Do you agree with Marshall McLuhan that the medium is the message, i.e. that the format or logic of a medium is as important as its content and, in fact, determines what content will be broadcast through that channel? Evaluate his idea that television is a cool medium.

I agree with Marshall McLuhan. TV is a cool medium because it gives us very detail information along with sounds and pictures. If the same topic is on a magazine or newspaper, it would be differently detailed contents from different perspectives.
If TV doesn’t change its picture or a topic, then we will get bored instantly. In recent years in Japan, I realized that many TV channels put a counting time in a corner of TV few seconds before changing its subject. I think this is a good tactic because it makes viewers to stay on the channel.
As the textbook stated, through television, we are used to get information in a short and rapid pace (308). Not only television but also internet changed our way of perceive messages dramatically. Now a day, we can check almost all news on TV though internet too. We can literally access information anywhere anytime. I am sure this new style to access information has changed our way to see the world. For example, we can vote or send opinions to media easily though internet. We can also exchange our ideas about social issues on internet too. This might change our perception of news that we can present our ideas more easily, and might be less passive towards information.

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