
Final week post 2

What concept/s in this class have you found most interesting? What was it about that concept/s that you found interesting?

The concepts I found most interesting is cultural distance (pg. 360). It was very interesting to see that the textbook stated Japan and the U.S as an example of one of the most culturally different countries. When I think about it, there were differences, such as languages, behaviors, foods, beliefs, and so on. However, when I was in the U.S., I didn’t feel much difference between those two countries. When I first went to the U.S., I was sad not because I got a cultural shock, but because I missed my family and friends. After making friends in the U.S., I was totally ok being in a different country. Thus, I think people are somewhat adaptive in born because if we are not, we are not be able to survive. We eat when we are hungry, we smile when we are happy, and we struggle when there are concerns and problems. Even though languages, beliefs, and behaviors are different in different cultures, I believe we are more similar than different in basics.

1 件のコメント:

TheBloggingProf さんのコメント...

In what ways do you think the cultures are different? Other than the basics that you already stated? :)